Code: DM2720500



Ingredients : gms/lit.
Tryptone 20.00
Lactose 5.00
Bile Salt mixture 1.50
Dipotassium phosphate 4.00
Monopotassium phosphate 1.50
Sodium chloride 5.00
Final pH (at 25°C) : 6.9 + 0.2

Instruction for use :
Suspend 37 grams in 1000 ml distilled water. Heat if necessary, to dissolve the medium completely.
Dispense in test tubes containing inverted Durhams tube. Sterilize by autoclaving at 15 lbs pressure
(121°C) for 15 minutes. Adjust the concentration of medium in accordance with sample size.

Principle :
Trytone provides nitrogeneous and carbonaceous compounds, long chain amino acids and other essential
growth nutrients. Lactose is the fermentable sugar. Bile salts mixture inhibit gram-positive bacteria
especially bacilli and faecal Streptococci. Phosphates control the pH during fermentation of lactose. Gas
production in a fermentation tube within 24 hour or less is a presumptive evidence of the presence of
coliform bacteria.