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Brillant Green Penol Red Lactose Agar - BPL Agar
Code: DM2940500
Ingredients Gms/Ltr :Lactose 15.00Agar 13.00Peptone 7.00Sodium chloride 5.00Phenol red 0.04Brilliant green 0.005* Dehydrated powder, hygroscopic in nature, store in a dry place, in tightly-sealed containers below 25°Cand protect from direct Sunlight.Instructions for Use :Dissolve 40.00gms in 1000 ml distilled water. Gently heat to boiling with gentle swirling and dissolve themedium completely. Sterilize by autoclaving at 15 psi (121°C) for 10 minutes. Cool to 45 - 50°C and pourinto sterile Petri plates.Appearance: Red - brown colour, clear gelpH at 25°C: 6.5 ± 0.2PrincipleBPL AGAR (BRILLIANT GREEN PHENOL RED LACTOSE AGAR) is used for isolation andidentification of Salmonellae except Salmonella typhi in faeces, urine and milk and foodstuffs byseparating lactose and sucrose negative bacteria. The Peptone provides the essential nutrient nitrogen forgrowth of microorganisms. Brilliant green in the medium inhibits accompanying microorganisms.Medium contains Lactose, whose degradation to acid is indicated by the pH indicator Phenol red, whichchanges its colour to yellow. The indicator exhibits a deep red colour in the alkaline range. Agar is asolidifying agent. Sodium chloride maintains the osmotic balance of the medium. The growth of theaccompanying Gram-positive microbial flora, Salmonella typhi and Shigella is largely inhibited by brilliantgreen. ADAM (1966) recommended that 0.2 % sodium deoxychlolate should be added to the culturemedium to inhibit the swarming of Proteus colonies.